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Trump Picks Pete Hegseth for Defense Secretary

Neil Baron

Updated on:

Trump’s pick for Defense Secretary is, believe it or not, Fox News co-host Pete Hegseth who warns of civil war if Democrats win if an election, echoing Trump’s intent to unleash the military on “the enemy within,” Consistent with his rhetoric, Hegseth sports a tattoo of an American flag that displays an AR-15 assault rifle. He plans to purge the military of generals who push back on Trump’s dangerous decisions. Remember that General Milley, Trump’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had to stop Trump from misusing the country’s nuclear arsenal in the last month of his presidency. Milley had to call the head of China’s military to assure him there was no such plan. Trump also told Republican donors that the US should put the Chinese flag on military planes and “bomb the sh*t” out of Russia. There’ll be no General Milley to Stop him Next Time – only a Fox News co-host. MAGAs, be careful what you wish for.

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