There are many theories why Democrats lost the 2024 election, and many solutions how they can win next time. Ironically, Trump himself could provide the most likely solution. Simply put, there needs to be a strong migration of voters away from Trump, and only he can make it happen by producing a catastrophe that his supporters can actually feel – that seriously and adversely effects their lives.
Sixteen Nobel Prize economists warned that Trump’s tariffs would “reignite’’ rampant inflation. The Peterson Institute predicts that, in addition to his tariffs, his mass deportation will lead to a labor shortage that will increase wage inflation and drive consumer prices up by as much as 9% from nearly the 2% they plummeted to this year.
Consistent with his pattern of making decisions out of anger, he sprung his 2017 tariffs out of outrage over Hope Hicks’ testimony on Russia’s election interference and the treatment of his son-in-law by his Chief of Staff. Trump offered no vetted explanations for the tariffs and no plan to alert foreign trade partners, Congress or the State, Treasury or Defense Departments.
It took General Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to stop Trump from misusing the country’s nuclear arsenal in the last month of his presidency, presumingly out of anger at losing the 2020 election and to manufacture a crises that would keep him in office. Milley had to call the head of China’s military to assure him there was no such plan. President, Trump also told Republican donors that the US should put the Chinese flag on military planes and “bomb the sh*t” out of Russia. There’ll be no General Milley to Stop him Next Time – only Yes Men and Women.
When you start with a deviant motivation, you reach a bad result. In other words, garbage in garbage out. Trump’s been on a mission to repeal Obamacare for years, not because it doesn’t work or because he has a better plan (although he says he has a concept). It’s because he wants to punish Obama for mocking him at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ dinner. He started sabotaging Obamacare as President. He cancelled a provision that lowered premiums, halved its enrollment period, made it more expensive and harder to apply and 2.3 million people, including 700,000 children, lost their health insurance. Millions more lost their employer’s insurance when they lost their jobs during Covid. He now has the votes s to cancel it and 21 million more Americans will lose their insurance, and none of them will be covered for pre-existing conditions.
Trump won’t say he wants Ukraine to win and warns he’d “encourage Russia to do “whatever the hell they want to any NATO member that doesn’t pay its fair share,” which he’ll fabricate and, given his adoration of and financial reliance on Putin, Trump will give him a green light to invade NATO members. It will threaten all Western democracies and disrupt trade relations and the world economy, hitting American jobs and incomes. See what Abe Lincoln would say.
Trump is considering a ban on all vaccines and has tapped ardent anti-vaccine activist RFK Jr. to head the Department of Health and Human Services, whom Trump said he’ll let “go wild on health.” This even though the data overwhelming show that the unvaccinated are 20 times more likely to die from COVID than the vaccinated, and that COVID vaccines could have prevented approximately 1.1 million deaths. In counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump, monthly COVID deaths per 100,000 were seven times more than in counties that voted heavily for Joe Biden.
Trump as President had more coronavirus cases and deaths than any other country, including China, whose population is more than four times larger. The U.S. accounted for just 4.2 percent of the world’s population then, but 30 percent of COVID-19 cases and 19 percent of COVID-19 deaths.
To prevent the Great Recession of 2008 from becoming another Depression, Presidents George W. Bush and Barak Obama tapped experience experts in international monetary and economic policy. They were Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson (formerly Goldman Sachs’ CEO), Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and New York Federal Reserve Bank President Timothy Geithner. They coordinated the major central banks to cut interest rates and provide cross-border dollar liquidity facilities, which were keys to restoring financial stability and avoiding a depression. Even China was persuaded to join in. Such experts will be fatally missing in the next financial crisis as Trump will hire only obedient sycophants and enablers who won’t dare push back on his uninformed decisions.
Trump’s insisted that the Republican-led Senate take extended breaks so he can make recess appointments without needing Senate confirmation; although some Republican Senate members insist they’ll hear all his all his nominations while others say they’re open to Trump’s plan to bypass the nomination process.
But his decisive 2024nvictory has cemented his control of the Senate, and the Supreme Court has already joined his enablers. So, Republican Senators are likely to continue their obedience to him.
And many Trump voters will think “Oh, he’d never do any of those things.”
But what if he does? How would you stand in the winds that would blow then?
Frankly, I believe that he can and will do any and quite possibly all of these things. But it won’t make a difference to his supporters. They are so deeply in the tank of supporting Trump that they will be able to cobble together any excuse, any explanation as to why it’s not his fault.. And salvation does not lie in congressional Republicans either. I’ll give you an example. Two years from this moment, Senate Republicans will destroy the filibuster, and even Mitch McConnell Will say that he is reluctantly allowing this to happen because the Democrats were too stubborn to compromise. And a lot of people will go along with us, because they would rather die, and take all of us with them, then believe in the golden calf that Trump is and always has been.